For Familes New to Jackson City School
In District
Please skim these steps before beginning with online registration
Click Start New Registration - Click Next
Select the School Year you are registering for? Click Next
Complete the fields on the screen. The CAPTCHA will display letters and/or numbers with a colorful background behind. Type the letters and/or numbers into the text box beneath. There are no spaces. Letters are case-sensitive. If a letter shows in uppercase, type it in the text box in uppercase. If you want to change the letters and numbers displayed in the CAPTCHA, click the blue refresh button.
Click: Begin Registration. The program will send an email to the address you entered on the screen. IMPORTANT: Please write down the Confirmation Number.
Click Confirm. Type your name in the box and use your mouse to digitally sign the document. Click Next.
Click Begin. The program will walk you through the following sections: Household, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Contact, Other Household, and Student. At the end of each section, click Save/Continue to save your work.
Walk through each screen, reading the sections carefully. Use the Next and Save/Continue buttons to navigate through the form. There are sections where you may be asked to submit information by uploading documents, completing online surveys, etc...
Review the details very carefully, and then submit the form.
REMEMBER Write down and hold onto your application number.
*** Once Complete: Contact the Anjanette Davidson to finalize the registration process at 606-666-4979.